Friday, January 27, 2012


* The eye is drawn to George Clooney in the lower left of the frame because light from the middle of the frame leads the eye there.

* Next the eye is drawn toward the two smaller figures in the lower right of the frame because that is the direction that Clooney is looking.

* The weight of the picture is the lower left corner of the frame—Clooney in profile.

* There is a startling amount of light that could be considered white space in the center of the frame. It is the contrast of this light with Clooney’s darker figure that seems to give Clooney’s presence a tinge of sadness.

* We notice that the two figures in the background are grouped together, while Clooney is alone. Yet, he is given more presence in the composition.

* The top of the frame is dominated by a red umbrella. This umbrella gives the illusion that it covers all. This could be read as metaphor.

My take: The producers of the film wanted to play up Clooney’s part in this film. The poster features him, not the other characters. I think it wants to make us feel for Clooney’s character. We are to understand he’s not a happy man.

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