Friday, January 27, 2012

Bring Me the Head

* The composition is overwhelmed by the size of the head. By comparison, the letters naming the film are small. There is also another small figure next to the letters.

* The eye is drawn to the mass of flies that function here as the man’s hair.

* There is stark contrast in colors between the white of the man’s face and the black of the flies.

* White space borders the picture. The lower left corner has more white space than the lower right corner. This gives the composition an asymmetrical quality.

* The visual weight of the composition is dead center. The eye isn’t led anywhere else, except toward its center.

My take: This seems to be representing the graphic nature of the film. It even takes into account some narrative facts, like the flies swarming around the head. This poster tells the viewer this world of the film is dirty, disgusting, and dark.

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